Hello My Name Is Awesome

Hello My Name Is Awesome


Alexandra Watkins



Naming anything inside a company is hard. It’s hard because there isn’t an agreed-upon scientific approach to selecting a name, and everyone has an opinion.

The author of this book Alexandra Watkins runs a naming studio in San Fransisco (EatMyWords). Alexandra must have done this 100 times. The fact that she’s given this book to the world is a gift - and it’s not a plug for the agency, it’s an actionable set of steps to generate names and get them signed off.

Read this book before naming a product!

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Key Takeaways

The 20% that gave me 80% of the value.


Great names evoke the right imagery and emotions in people. Use the right methods, and it's easier to generate and select impactful names that you'd think.

Why Names Matter:

Your name will have countless impressions over its lifetime. Powerful names evoke the right imagery and emotions in your customers. Getting it wrong can have big consequences. You don't want to spend anytime explaining, spelling, pronouncing or apologizing for your name.

Qualities of a great name (SMILE):

Customers are more likely to share, appreciate and remember a name that surprises, entertains or makes them happy. A good name should make you smile, not scratch your head.

Suggestive: The name should evoke something about your brand. It can't say everything, but it can suggest something. Doing so in a non-obvious way, that triggers your imagination is more powerful. E.g. OakTree (an investment firm) evokes stability and longevity.

Memorable: A memorable long name, is better than a forgettable short one. Humans remember things better that we can associate our existing knowledge with. The stickiest names are associated with words and concepts that mean something to us.

E.G. Super Evil Megacorp is a name few forget.

Imagery: Evocative visuals make a strong impression and are hard to forget. The name should conjure up the right imagery. E.g. Timberland (outdoor gear)

Legs: Consider using a name that lends itself to a theme if you need to extend your brand to a family of products.

Emotional: Buying decisions are often driven by emotion. Customers are more likely to buy if a name makes them feel good. E.g Lush (soap), Lexus (luxury)

Qualities to avoid (SCRATCH):

Making excuses for your name devalues your brand. You want customers to understand it, and use it with confidence.

Spelling: If your name isn't spelt how it sounds its a mistake. You don't want it to look like a typo either. Ask how many ways your name could be spelt? Don't change the spelling of words or substitute letters for numbers. Doing so will forever frustrate your customers, embarrass your employees and annoy writers.

Copycat: You'll look like you lack imagination, and open yourself up to trademark disputes if your your name resembles a competitor. Avoid trends like iandything and eanything. It's possible to use words adopted by companies in unrelated industries but be careful. E.g. Pandora (internet radio, jewellery)

Restrictive: Don't restrict yourself with your name. Amazon had a lot of room to grow out from selling books. 24hr Fitness on the other hand can't easily change their opening hours.

Annoying: Avoid frustrating your customers. Make sure your name feels natural, and not nonsensical, grammatically incorrect or contrived. Resist the temptation to be mysterious. Avoid overused suffixes (___ology, ___ly, ___icious, ___ster)

Tame: Flat, overly descriptive and uninspired names won't stick. they don't challenge, excite or stimulate. They require little imagination and reveal nothing about your personality. You'll need a huge advertising budget to overcome this.

Curse of knowledge: When your name speaks only to insiders. The name shouldn't require prior knowledge or a classics degree to mean something. Check the urban dictionary, and other languages for accidental alternative meanings.

Hard to pronounce: A hard to pronounce name confuses and distances customers. We associate clear simple language with positive qualities, such as confidence, intelligence and capability. Don't use all caps, camel case, random capitals or acronyms. Avoid names that can be pronounced in multiple ways. Don't start a name with X

Random Rules:

  • If you have a strong product, don't give it a weak name.
  • B2B companies don't have to pick conservative names. Pick something that says, we love what we do, and you will enjoy working with us.
  • Creative firms all have cool names, so they're harder to name

Different Name Formations

Invented or (coinded) names should feel like a real words and be intuitive to pronounce and spell.

Proper names: Real words or Surnames (Apple, Dell)

Coined Original: Generated from scratch (Kodak)

Lightly Coined: Based largely on real words (Speedo, Samsonite)

Coined Mashup: Combine the sound or meaning of 2 words to form a new one (Pinterest, Labradoodle)

Coined Compound: Linkedin, Facebook, Paypal

Domain Names

You don't need to start with the best domain. Get the name right, make the company successful, come back for the domain later. Plenty of companies have followed that pattern (thefacebook, teslamotors, getdropbox, squareup, basecamphq).

Customers can find you without the perfect domain, search engines and social mean you're easy to find.

Always start with the brand first, don't change the brand for the domain, that's backwards. A creative workaround can solve domain issues. Some of the best workarounds include:

  • Adding a modifier (buy, eat, get, the, try, store, world)
  • Use a domain name suggestion tool line (NameStudio)
  • Try a memorable phrase, that doesn't have to match the name (JoeKnowsCoffee)
  • Make your domain a call to action (just do it, think different)

If there's a price on the domain, offer 30% under the asking price. Otherwise you'll be able to find the owner through whois.net or a broker.

Short isn't always better. Memorable, long and easy to pronounce name is better than a short meaningless one that isn't.

Avoid names you have to spell, using obscure domain extensions to finish your na.me and make sure the words don't spell something unintended (therapistfinder)

The Creative Brief

A brief provides inspiration and focus. It helps you clarify your intentions. It's a great way to engage stakeholders early, and avoid last minute interventions.

1. Goal. What do you want to achieve?

2. In a nutshell. Sum up your brand/product in a sentence

3. Positioning. Where do you want to position yourself in the marketplace? Vs alternatives. Premium? Ethical? Fun?

4. Consumer Insight. Behaviours. Stats.

5. Target Audience. Who are the customers you want to reach? Primary. Secondary.

6. Competition. List your competitors.

7. Brand Experience. How do you want people to feel when they hear the name or use the product?

8. Brand Personality. 5-10 adjectives that describe the tone and personality of your brand

9. Words to explore. List a few words that you might want to have in the name

10. Words to avoid. List words that you don't want to have in the name

11. Themes / Ideas to explore. List anything you'd like to explore

12. Domain name modifiers. Modifiers that can help you secure a domain. E.g. eat___.com

13. Name style likes and dislikes. From your industry. List 5 brands and the reasons you like or dislike them. E.g. Mercedes - established, luxury.

14. Acid Test. A real world sentence that the name will have to slot into. E.g. ___ is the best steak restaurant in Europe.

15. Anything Else. More background on the product, service or company if its helpful.

Add a caveat to the brief. It will not be possible to pick the perfect 1-3 words that solve for everything.

How to generate name ideas

There are highly effective methods for name generation. You'll be able to generate lots of options. Don't generate ideas in a group. Group dynamics are not suited to name generation. You'll end up choosing a name that has the least resistance, not the most impact.

Splitting up, and generating ideas alone is much more effective. You don't need to go outside either. The internet is the best tool for idea generation, so sit in front of the computer and get comfy.

Name Generation Session (Tactics)

Before you start. Sit in front of the computer alone. Have to hand the brief ready for inspiration. Have the SMILE and SCRATCH qualities for quick evaluation.

Mindset. Your goal is to generate as many viable names as possible.

You need to get into an exploratory mindset. You're going to need to follow leads, put the unexpected together, change the way you look at things. Be fearless, there's nobody here to shoot down your ideas.

Capture. Write down every idea that could be viable. Put them into 3 groups as you go. Spot on, maybe or Spark. Sparks have potential to be turned into fire later.

The tried and tested method. Write down 12 words that relate to your brand or brand experience. These words aren't candidates themselves, they act as themes to explore. Move through the steps below for each theme. When the rate that you're generating candidates drops off, move onto the next theme.

  • Start moving through the thesaurus exploring your theme. Go down tunnels, think around words that come up. Words you discover can be candidates, or just words that you explore
  • Pictures say 1000 words. Go to google images, unsplash, shutterstock etc and explore your theme there. What's in the images? (Staples - Stationary Shop, great name)
  • Further sources of inspiration (not always appropriate)
  • Freedictionary.com (for idioms, phrases etc)
  • Glossaries of terms, slang in your industry
  • Movie, music, book titles.
  • Puns (rhymezone.com, phrases.org.uk/phrase-thesaurus

Having moved through 12 themes, you'll have generated a few dozen candidates.

Circulate the names for review

You can get a group to agree on a name if you follow these steps. The key to building consensus is to avoid discussing the names in a group.

  • Distribute the name list to stakeholders
  • Everyone gets a few days to review names independently
  • They can enjoy the names without trepidation and intimidation

The name list should include a few dozen candidates. Next to each name, write a few words that explain why it fits, with the view of selling it to the reader.

Show how the name might be used in a sentence. Print the list and circulate a hard copy if you can.

Reviewers should review each names a few times, over a few days. Include SMILE and SCRATCH tests to help remove troublesome names.

Include your brief to remind people of the goals you agree to.

How to review names

1. Reduce your personal bias. Don't ask "Do I like it?". Instead, ask "Is it right fore the brand?

2. Don't share your name list with outsiders. You need to context to have an informed opinion

3. Don't log negative comments, they don't help . You'll have more luck reaching consensus if you focus on what works about each name.

4. Remember that the name can't say everything, and solve the brief entirely

5. Review the list a few times, over a few days

6. To avoid being influenced, don't discuss names with other reviewers

7. Think about how the name will appear in context.

8. Don't worry about domain names yet

9. Ask each reviewer to select 10 to 20 promising (not perfect names)

10. Don't fall in love with a name too early in the process

Selecting the right name

After a few days, collect and sort the names to see where you reach initial consensus. Meet as a group to discuss the attributes of the top contenders. Let individuals champion ones they think are right for the brand. Always have a justification. Rank the names in order of preference. Don't ask everyone for their opinion. Don't kill good names in focus group testing (They water down names to the safest option).


Deep Summary

Longer form notes, typically condensed, reworded and de-duplicated.

Why care about the name:

  • First impressions
  • Countless other impressions over time
  • Getting it wrong can have big consequences (Americans crap metal)
  • You don't want to be talking about your name
    • Explaining it, spelling it, pronouncing it, apologising for it
  • Names that resonate most with consumers are delightfully unexpected yet easy to understand
  • We instantly get them. Like a snappy punch line.
  • Spell, pronounce and understand
  • Powerful names connect with consumers on an emotional level


Smile, the 5 qualities of a super-sticky name:

  • Suggestive: Evokes something about your brand
  • Memorable: Makes an association with the familiar
  • Imagery: aids memory through evocative visuals
  • Legs: lends itself to a theme for extended mileage
  • Emotional: moves people

Scratch, the 7 deal breakers

  • Spelling challenged: looks like a typo
  • Copycat: resembles competitors' names
  • Restrictive: limits future growth
  • Annoying: seems forced, frustrates customers
  • Tame: feels flat, descriptive, uninspired
  • Curse of knowledge: speaks only to insiders
  • Hard to pronounce: confuses and distances customers

1) SMILE (Qualities of a sticky name)

  • Brand names can make you smile first time you hear them
  • We appreciate it when a name surprises, entertains and makes us happy
  • They are the ones we talk about, tweet and repeat.
  • A name should make you smile instead of scratch your head

The 5 Qualities of a Super-Sticky Name:


2) SCRATCH (7 deal breakers)

Making excuses for you name devalues your brand

Curse of knowledge
Hard to pronounce

3) Domain Names

  • Don't worry if the perfect name isn't available.
  • Some great names domains come from creative workarounds
  • 5 Domain secrets
    1. Not owning the exact match initially is fine
      • thefacebook, teslamotors, getdropbox, squareup, basecamphq
    2. Google Eliminates the Guesswork
      1. If you arrive at the wrong website, you'll just google it
      2. Many won't notice the domain name
      3. SEO and SEM can boost discoverability
    3. Settle on the brand first, then the domain
      1. Don't start the branding process on domain website
      2. That's backward
      3. You can find a creative workaround if the domain isn't available. Don't dismiss the better name for one thats available
    4. It pays off to make an offer
      1. Try offering 30% less than the listed price and go from there
      2. If the domain is parked, you can go to whois.net to see who owns it and email them. If their name is masked, a broker can help you
    5. Short isn't necessarily better
      1. Memorable and long, easy to pronounce and spell is better than a short meaningless one that's not
      2. renttherunway.com is fine.
      3. There are 342 million registered domains, there are no real words left. You can't even get snot.com
  • How to get a good one for $9.99
    • Add a modifier (buy, drink, eat, get, hey, shop, the, try, wear, 101, life, online, store, world
    • Use a domain name suggestion tool like (NameStudio)
    • Try a memorable phrase (joeknowscoffee) - doesn't have to match name
    • Make your domain a call to action (just do it) (think different) (eatwithhonor)
    • .Net domains are the second most trusted
  • Things to avoid
    • Names that you have to spell out
    • Obscure domain extensions to spell your name
    • Using .org if you're not an NGO
    • Your domain doesn't give you the trademark
    • Make sure the words in the domain don't spell out anything else TherapistFinder - the rapist finder

4) Creative Brief (Your brand name road map)

Is the brief important?
Questions for your Creative Brief

5) Brainstorming: (How to be an idea machine)

  • There are highly effective methods for name generation
  • You'll get lots of good options
How to get brainstorming wrong
The right way to brainstorm
Brain thaw

6) Corporate Creativity: The power of names in the workspace

  • Using creative names delights employees and visitors, breaks the monotony of the daily grind, improves worker morale, and positively impacts the culture
    • Team names, conference rooms, ticker symbols, job titles
      • Internal design team: Yellow tag productions - BestBuy
      • Staff: Cast members - Disney

7) Name Changes: Pros and Cons

  • You can point your customers to the right place (website redirect, social media, press announcements and an email blast)
  • Pros of changing your name
    • Refresh the brand at the same time
    • Save time by not having to apologise for a difficult name
    • Get in touch with your users
    • You have more years of business ahead than behind you
    • You have new customers who won't know your old name
  • Cons
    • Emotional attachment
    • Stakeholder buy in
    • Hurt the feelings of the creators
    • Justifying the expense
    • You have to notify customers

8) Name Review: Guardrails for Groups

  • Groups can reach agreement if you follow this process
  • The key to building consensus it to avoid discussing the names in a group. Instead:
    • Distribute the name list to individual stakeholders, for independent review
    • They can enjoy the names without the trepidation & intimidation
    • Everyone can have a say, and has a few days to review the names
  • 7 tips for reviewing names
    1. Make sure you have a few dozen names for the group to review. Don't remove ones that will fail trademark yet, as they might spark new ideas
    2. Next to each name, write a few words to explain why the word is a fit. Sell it.
    3. Show how the name might be used in a sentence.
    4. Print the list and circulate a hard copy for each person to review on paper. Instead of online.
    5. Suggest that everyone review the names multiple times over multiple days
    6. Include the SMILE and SCRATCH test to support your names and eliminate troublesome ones
    7. Include your approved creative brief to remind people of the goals you agreed to
  • 10 rules for reviewing names
    1. Do not share your name list with outsiders (only the internal review team have the context)
    2. Have an open mind and be objective. Don't ask "Do I like it?'. That is subject to personal bias, instead ask "Is it right for the brand?" "Is it right for the product?"
    3. Refrain from negative comments. You will ahve more success finding a name everyone can agree on if you focus strictly on what works. Negative comments are never helpful in building consensus.
    4. Keep in mind that a name can't say everything. It can hint. It can't say everything
    5. Review the list multiple times, top to bottom and bottom to top. Give yourself a few days to live with the names.
    6. Keep your list to yourself and don't discuss the names with anyone on your review committee. You don't want others to influence your thinking before you can express your thoughts
    7. Your name rarely appears naked. It will usually be in context with a logo, website etc. Imagine names on the product itself
    8. Refrain from looking up domain names this early in the process, you don't want to eliminate good ideas
    9. Ask each reviewer to select 10 to 20 promising (not perfect) names from the list.
    10. Don't fall in love with a name until trademark research is done.
  • The more creative the industry, the harder it is to pass the SMILE and SCRATCH test. Advertising agencies, design and game firms are clever, making those extremely challenging
  • How to make sure to choose the right name
    • After a few days, collect and sort the names to see where you reach initial consensus.
    • Meet as a group to discuss the attributes of the top contenders
    • Let individuals champion ones they think are right for the brand. Always have a justification
    • Rank the names in order of preference, and start trademark process.
    • Do not ask everyone for their opinion. More on this in the next section
  • Don't kill good names with focus group testing
    • Don't do focus group testing. They water down choices from the best to the safest
    • Fossil, lush, the body shop, true religion, MAC Cosmetics, Spoon me
  • You now have the knowledge and resources to create brand names that make people smile instead of scratch their heads.