The Design of Everyday Things

The Design of Everyday Things


Donald A. Norman



This book has changed how I see the world. I’ve always been interested, amused and sometimes annoyed by bad design. Now I see it everywhere.

By focusing on the very fundamentals of design - I’ve found this book to be consistently and endlessly applicable to work and life.

The concept of affordances progressed my understanding of accessibility. Thinking about conceptual models helps me grapple with product messaging. Learning about feedback has left me dumfounded that the button to call my elevator proudly sounds before the press has actually been registered. You have to push a little harder to actually call the lift 🤯

Developing a shared vocabulary - to talk about these concepts with my colleagues in design has helped accelerate day to day product conversations.

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Key Takeaways

The 20% that gave me 80% of the value.

  • Norman doors (named after the author) are doors that don’t open the way you expect.
  • An affordance: A capability made possible by the relationship between the human and the object.
  • A signifier: Anything that communicates the purpose, structure or operation of a device to a user
  • Mapping: How controls and displays map back to actions and intended results
  • Feedback: How the system lets you know a request is being worked on, or is complete
  • Conceptual models: A simplified understanding of how something works
  • The Technology Paradox: Technology has potential to make life easier and more enjoyable. At the same time it risks adding complexity, increasing difficulty and frustrating the user.
  • The Design Challenge: Different disciplines (engineering, marketing, operations) often have different priorities (scalability, reliability, price, differentiation, production). The design challenge is to bring everyone together, to build a product that customers love.
  • 7 Stages of action:
    • Form the goal
    • Plan the action
    • Specify an action sequence
    • Perform the action sequence
    • Perceive the state of the world
    • Interpret the perception
    • Compare the outcome with the goal
  • 7 Fundamental design principles
    1. Discoverability. Determining what actions are possible and the current state
    2. Feedback. Full & continuous info about the current state. Particularly after actions.
    3. Conceptual models. Invoke a model of the system that enhances discoverability and evaluation
    4. Affordances. The proper affordances exist to make the desired actions possible
    5. Signifiers. Ensure affordances are perceived, increasing discoverability & evaluation
    6. Mappings. Make the relationship between controls and actions predictable
    7. Constraints. Trim possible actions, to ease interpretation. Physical, logical, semantic & cultural.
  • Usability is often not prioritised in the purchasing process especially when the purchaser ≠ user.
  • 4 Classes of Constraints:
    • Physical limitations to the possible operations.
    • Cultural. Cultures have a set of allowable actions
    • Semantic: Only certain combinations make sense.
    • Logical constraint. There is a logical relationship between the spatial or functional layout of components and the things that they affect. E.g If take something apart, put it back together again, and there's a part left on the table. You know you've made a mistake.
A forcing function
a physical constraint such that failure at one stage, prevents the next step from happening
Forces operations to take place in proper sequence. Example: Washing machine door doesn’t open unless its drained water
Keeps an operation active, preventing someone from prematurely stopping it. Example: Warning that makes it hard to leave an unsaved word document
A lockout prevents someone from entering a space that is dangerous, or prevents an event from occurring. Example: The pin in a fire extinguisher that prevents accidental discharge
  • The Forcing Function Tradeoff: Make it too annoying and people will try to disable it. So minimise the nuisance value whilst retaining the safety feature.
  • Consistency in design is virtuous. People are great at transfer learning (lessons learned with one system transfer readily to others). On the whole, consistency is to be followed.
  • Skeuomorphic: incorporating old familiar ideas into new technologies, even though they no longer play a functional role.
  • Key Design Principles
    • Put information in the environment → Reduce the burden of needing endogenous knowledge.
    • Allow for efficient operations when people have learned the requirements
    • Use environmental knowledge to make it easier for non-experts. This will help infrequent journeys and infrequent users
    • Leverage natural and artificial constraints: physical, logical, semantic and cultural.
    • Exploit the power of forcing functions and natural mappings
    • Bridge the gulf of execution and the gulf of evaluation.
    • Make things visible, both for executions and evaluation
    • One the execution side, provide the feedforward information: make the options readily available.
    • On the evaluation side: make the results of each action apparent.
    • Make it possible to determine the system's status readily, easily, accurately and in a form consistent with the person's goals, plans, and expectations.
    • Embrace errors. Seek to understand their causes and ensure they don't happen again. Re-design don't reprimand
  • Depth and Breadth Research Tradeoff. Design research is deep insight on a small number of people, Market research is shallow insight on a large number of people.
  • There is no such thing as the average person
  • Complexity is OK. Confusion is bad.
  • Design is successful only if the product is successful (purchased, used and enjoyed). Design should pay attention to the total experience and the total lifecycle. Design should be concerned with function, usability and understandability.

Deep Summary

Longer form notes, typically condensed, reworded and de-duplicated.

Some useful definitions if you’re new to design theory
A Norman Door
Human Centered Design (HCD)

Fundamental Principles of Interaction

Affordances: Capabilities made possible by the relationship between the human and the object
Signifiers: Anything that communicates the purpose, structure or operation of a device to a user
Mapping: How controls and displays map back to actions and intended results
Feedback: System letting you know a request is being worked on, or is complete
Conceptual models: A simplified understanding of how something works
  • The system image: When the system design meets the user interaction. We should be designing thinking about the interaction. Communication is an important part of design, good conceptual models can help.
  • The Technology Paradox: Technology has potential to make life easier and more enjoyable. At the same time it risks adding complexity, increasing difficulty and frustrating the user.
  • The Design Challenge: Different disciplines (engineering, marketing, operations) often have different priorities (scalability, reliability, price, differentiation, production). The design challenge is to bring everyone together, to build a product that customers love.
The Psychology of Everyday Actions
The Seven Stages of Action - Goal, 3x Execution, 3x Evaluation

Goals and Actions

  • A Goal can be nested in a hierarchy of goals. UXR interviews and root cause analysis are good at identifying goal hierarchies.
  • Often a single pass of the 7 stages of action won't be enough to complete a goal (multiple subgoals or loops are required).
  • Action cycles can be triggered in service of achieving an overarching goal, or by an event relating to a lower-level goal or task.
  • Some goals are opportunistic - when behaviour takes advantage of circumstance. Typically less precise and certain. Less effort and less inconvenience.
  • Reconsidering the goals of a user can result in new product categories and innovation

Fundamental Design Principles

  1. Discoverability. Determining what actions are possible and the current state
  2. Feedback. Full & continuous info about the current state. Particularly after actions.
  3. Conceptual models. Invoke a model of the system that enhances discoverability and evaluation
  4. Affordances. The proper affordances exist to make the desired actions possible
  5. Signifiers. Ensure affordances are perceived, increasing discoverability & evaluation
  6. Mappings. Make the relationship between controls and actions predictable
  7. Constraints. Trim possible actions, to ease interpretation. Physical, logical, semantic & cultural.
'Human error' is often the result of poor design - we should rebrand it to system error
  • When users take inappropriate actions. Ask which of 7 stages of action does it fail? Which design principles are deficient? Most interactions with products are actually with a complex system, good design requires consideration of the entire system.
Endogenous vs Environmental Knowledge
Designing for Human Memory + Reminders
Mapping of Controls + Natural Mapping
  • Usability is often not prioritised in the purchasing process especially when the purchaser ≠ user.
  • Cultural mappings can differ. Cultural mappings can change over time. Apple changed the default scrolling direction when it introduced touch devices.
  • It is possible to break convention and switch metaphors, but expect a period of confusion until people adapt.

Constraints Discoverability and Feedback

  • Environmental knowledge (perceived affordances, signifiers, mapping, constraints) and Endogenous knowledge (conceptual models, constraints, similarities to other situations we've face) help us operate things we haven't seen before.
  • Designers should provide critical key information to the user in the environment.
Four Classes of Constraints

Constraints, Conventions and Behaviour

Constraints can guide and force behaviour. They’re a key part of Safety engineering:

A forcing function
a physical constraint such that failure at one stage, prevents the next step from happening
Forces operations to take place in proper sequence. Example: Washing machine door doesn’t open unless its drained water
Keeps an operation active, preventing someone from prematurely stopping it. Example: Warning that makes it hard to leave an unsaved word document
A lockout prevents someone from entering a space that is dangerous, or prevents an event from occurring. Example: The pin in a fire extinguisher that prevents accidental discharge
  • The Forcing Function Tradeoff: Make it too annoying and people will try to disable it. So minimise the nuisance value whilst retaining the safety feature.
  • Conventions can help a user go from perception of an affordance to understanding.
    • A doorknob has a graspability affordance, but the cultural convention is what helps understand we can open doors with them.
  • Conventions are cultural constraints - they can be different across cultures.
  • Going against a convention is difficult. People often object and complain if they have to relearn (e.g. the metric system). Just because something is different doesn't mean it's bad, if we never made changes we could never improve.
  • Consistency in design is virtuous. People are great at transfer learning (lessons learned with one system transfer readily to others). On the whole, consistency is to be followed.
  • Avoid mixed systems, they’re confusing. If there is to be a change - everybody has to change
The merits of the change need to outweigh the difficulties of the change
Norman on Plumbing - Controls and Conventions
  • The principle of desperation: If all else fails, standardise. When everything else fails, design all things the same way, so people only have to learn once. Standards simplify design for everyone, but they tend to hinder future development.
Random: Using sound as a signifier
  • Skeuomorphic: incorporating old familiar ideas into new technologies, even though they no longer play a functional role.

Designing for Errors

Most industrial accidents are logged as human error when design is to blame.
We should avoid blame and instead look to find the root cause of failures
A culture of error reporting is important: admitting and reporting errors and near misses
The Swiss Cheese Model: How undetected errors lead to accidents (by James Reason)
Defining different types of error: Slips and Mistakes
Try to prevent errors before they occur ELSE detect and correct them when they do occur
Resilience Engineering Design Toolbox: Preventing and detecting errors

Key Design Principles

  • Put information in the environment → Reduce the burden of needing endogenous knowledge.
  • Allow for efficient operations when people have learned the requirements
  • Use environmental knowledge to make it easier for non-experts. This will help infrequent journeys and infrequent users
  • Leverage natural and artificial constraints: physical, logical, semantic and cultural.
  • Exploit the power of forcing functions and natural mappings
  • Bridge the gulf of execution and the gulf of evaluation.
  • Make things visible, both for executions and evaluation
  • One the execution side, provide the feedforward information: make the options readily available.
  • On the evaluation side: make the results of each action apparent.
  • Make it possible to determine the system's status readily, easily, accurately and in a form consistent with the person's goals, plans, and expectations.
  • Embrace errors. Seek to understand their causes and ensure they don't happen again. Re-design don't reprimand

Design Thinking

Design thinking: places equal emphasis on problem definition (solving the right problem) and solution definition. Allows time to diverge and think widely before converging on a problem or solution.
HCD Human Centered Design and it’s four stages
The Double Diamond Design Process
Depth and Breadth Research Tradeoff (Design vs Market)
Individuals vary - activities are constant (Activity Centered vs HCD)
  • Task: A lower-level component of an activity
  • Activity: A collected set of tasks, all performed together to meet some goal.
  • Align your design to an activity gives the user motivation/ a reason to use your product
    • The complexity needs to be proportional to the task
What about big / huge scale projects?
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is
The day a product-development process starts, it's behind schedule and above budget (Don Norman's law of product development)
The Design Challenge
There's no average person
The Stigma Problem
Flexibility helps with inclusivity and accessibility.
Complexity is OK. Confusion is bad.
Technology Standardisation
Sometimes, you’ll want to deliberately make things difficult

Design in the World of Business

On Competition
On Product Feature Creep
Competition-driven design
On the Impact of Technology on Industries
Incremental vs Radical Innovation.
The Design of Everyday things
Think about the environmental impact of what you produce.

Design is successful only if the product is successful (purchased, used and enjoyed). Design should pay attention to the total experience and the total lifecycle. Design should be concerned with function, usability and understandability.

Individuals and small teams have better access to information, tools and platforms than ever before, maybe they'll support a renaissance of talent.